Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Examen Médico y Requisitos para la Residencia

Examen Mà ©dico y Requisitos para la Residencia Como parte del proceso para obtener la residencia hay que someterse a un examen mà ©dico que certifica que la persona no tiene enfermedades contagiosas ni va a convertirse en una carga para el estado si es que tiene alguna condicià ³n preexistente. El examen mà ©dico tiene lugar casi al final del tramite de los papeles, se està © dentro o fuera de los Estados Unidos, cuando las autoridades migratorias o consulares lo indican. A este hay que presentarse con certificados de vacunas y si es el caso, vacunarse de nuevo contra las enfermedades que haga falta. El examen lo realiza un mà ©dico autorizado por el gobierno. En Estados Unidos es muy fcil encontrar a los doctores que pueden realizar dicho examen, en linea (aqui) o llamando al Centro Nacional de Servicio al Cliente de la USCIS (1-800-375-5283). En el exterior tambià ©n es posible buscar un mà ©dico autorizado por la embajada o consulado. Una vez en la cita, el mà ©dico revisar la documentacià ³n que se le presente y las cartillas de vacunacià ³n. Se realizar un examen fà ­sico de ojos, oà ­do, nariz, garganta, abdomen, pulmones, nà ³dulos linfticos, corazà ³n, piel, genitales, presià ³n arterial, peso y estatura, entre otros. Adems, habr extraccià ³n de sangre y un examen de rayos X. Los menores de 15 aà ±os podrà ­an no hacerse la radiografà ­a ni los exmenes de sangre; las embarazadas podrà ­an posponerla hasta despuà ©s de haber dado a luz. Dentro de Estados Unidos, los resultados se entregan al solicitante en sobre cerrado que pasa a manos del oficial de inmigracià ³n el dà ­a de la entrevista. Si se est en otro paà ­s, el procedimiento a seguir depende del mà ©dico y/o del consulado.  ¿Quà © documentos hay que llevar a la cita mà ©dica? A esta cita hay que presentarse con: Cartilla de vacunas (paperas, rubeola, sarampià ³n, polio, tà ©tano, difteria, rotavirus, gripa o influenza, influenza tipo B, tos ferina (pertussis), varicela, neumococo, meningococo, hepatitis A y B). El especialista puede pedir vacunas adicionales contra cualquier enfermedad que el Comità © de de Prcticas de Inmunizacià ³n de los Centros de Control y Prevencià ³n de Enfermedades estime conveniente.Reportes sobre posibles discapacidades de aprendizaje o enfermedades mentales.Informe hecho por un mà ©dico que certifique, si el paciente tuvo tuberculosis, el progreso, tratamiento y duracià ³n de la enfermedad.Informe hecho por un mà ©dico que certifique, si el paciente tuvo sà ­filis, que la persona recibià ³ el tratamiento adecuado.Radiografà ­as del tà ³rax, si se tienen. Reportes mà ©dicos de historia clà ­nica de enfermedad mental (aplican los intentos de suicidio, violencia contra sà ­ mismo, otros, o animales) en los que se determine si estos fueron causados por problemas mà ©dicos, psiquitricos o generados por droga o alcohol. Reportes mà ©dicos de historia clà ­nica en caso de haber sido hospitalizado por drogas o alcohol (diagnà ³stico, tratamiento y duracià ³n).Reportes mà ©dicos si se est bajo alguna medicacià ³n de manera continua y las razones de la misma. El formulario I-693 para quienes està ©n en Estados Unidos. Estas son las enfermedades que podrà ­an excluir a una persona de la residencia: Sà ­filis, en estado contagiosoGonorreaTuberculosis tipo ALepraEnfermedades mentales acompaà ±adas de comportamientos considerados perjudiciales o daà ±inos Desde el 2010 el test de VIH ya no es parte de los requisitos para obtener la green card.  ¿Quà © pasa con condiciones preexistentes no contagiosas pero graves? En algunos casos la enfermedad que padece una persona puede convertirla en una carga al estado una vez esta se convierta en un residente permanente legal. Un ejemplo es una persona quien no puede trabajar por enfermedad o tiene un padecimiento que requiere de medicinas costosas por el resto de su vida. Dicha enfermedad puede ser fà ­sica o mental. En casos muy extraordinarios es posible que se pida al  patrocinador  econà ³mico, quien firma el affidavit of support o de sostenimiento, que muestre recursos financieros ms altos de los requeridos habitualmente para hacer frente a ese problema, o que el solicitante acredite tener un seguro mà ©dico que cubra dicha enfermedad. Si no aprueban la residencia por motivos mà ©dicos el primer paso es consultar a un abogado para solicitar un waiver. Este artà ­culo es informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Facts on Mass Shootings in the US

Facts on Mass Shootings in the US On Oct. 1, 2017, the Las Vegas Strip became the site of the deadliest mass shooting in American history. A shooter murdered 59 people and injured 515, bringing the victim total to 574.  If it seems as if the problem of mass shootings in the U.S. is getting worse, thats because it is. Heres a look at the history of mass shootings to explain the historical and contemporary trends. Definition of Mass Shooting   First, its important to define this type of crime. A mass shooting is defined by the FBI as a public attack, distinct from gun crimes that happen within private homes, even when those crimes involve multiple victims, and from drug- or gang-related shootings. Historically, through 2012, a mass shooting also has been considered a shooting in which four or more people were shot. In 2013, a new federal law reduced the figure to three or more. The Frequency of Mass Shootings Increasing Every time a mass shooting occurs, a debate is spurred in the media about whether such shootings are happening more often than they used to. The debate is fueled by a misunderstanding of what mass shootings are. Some criminologists argue that they are not on the rise because they count them among all gun crime, a relatively stable figure year-over-year. However, considering mass shootings as defined by the FBI, the disturbing truth is that they are rising and have increased sharply since 2011. Analyzing data compiled by the Stanford Geospatial Center, sociologists Tristan Bridges and Tara Leigh Tober found that  mass shootings have progressively become more common since the 1960s. Through the late 1980s, there were no more than five mass shooting per year. Through the 1990s and 2000s, the rate fluctuated and occasionally climbed as high as 10 per year. Since 2011, the rate has skyrocketed, climbing first into the teens then peaking at 473 in 2016, with the year 2018 ending at a total of 323 mass shootings in the U.S. Number of Victims Rising Data from the Stanford Geospatial Center, analyzed by Bridges and Tober, shows that the number of victims is rising along with the frequency of mass shootings. The figures for deaths and injuries climbed from below 20 in the early 1980s to spike sporadically through the 1990s to 40 and 50-plus and reach regular shootings of more than 40 victims through the late 2000s and 2010s. Since the late 2000s, there have been 80-plus to 100 deaths and injuries in some mass shootings. Most Weapons Legally Obtained; Many Were Assault Weapons Mother Jones  reports  that of the mass shootings committed since 1982, 75 percent of the weapons used were obtained legally. Among those used,  assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns with high-capacity magazines  were common. Half of the weapons used in these crimes were semi-automatic handguns, while the rest were rifles, revolvers, and shotguns. Data on weapons used, compiled by the FBI, shows that if the failed Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 had been passed, the sale of 48 of these guns for civilian purposes would have been illegal. Uniquely American Problem Another debate that crops up in the media following a mass shooting is whether the U.S. is exceptional for the frequency at which mass shootings occur within its borders. Those who claim that it does not often point to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data which measures mass shootings per capita based on a countrys total population. Looked at this way, the data indicates that the U.S. ranks behind nations including Finland, Norway, and Switzerland. However, this data is based on populations so small and events so infrequent that its statistically invalid. Mathematician Charles Petzold explains on his blog why this is so, from a statistical standpoint, and further explains how the data can be useful. Instead of comparing the U.S. to other OECD nations, which have much smaller populations than the U.S. and most of which have had just one to three mass shootings in recent history, compare the U.S. to all other OECD nations combined. Doing so equalizes the scale of population and allows for a statistically valid comparison. This indicates that the U.S. has a mass shooting rate of 0.121 per million people, while all other OECD countries combined have a rate of just 0.025 per million people (with a combined population three times that of the U.S.). This means that the rate of mass shootings per capita in the U.S. is nearly five times that in all other OECD nations. This disparity is not surprising given that  Americans own nearly half of all civilian guns in the world. Mass Shooters Nearly Always Men Bridges and Tober found that of the mass shootings that have occurred since 1966, nearly all were committed by men. Just five of those incidents- 2.3 percent- involved a lone woman shooter. That means men were the perpetrators in nearly 98 percent of mass shootings. Connection Between Mass Shootings and Domestic Violence Between 2009 and 2015, 57 percent of mass shootings overlapped with domestic violence, in that the victims included a spouse, former spouse, or another family member of the perpetrator, according to an analysis of FBI data conducted by Everytown for Gun Safety. Additionally, nearly 20 percent of attackers had been charged with domestic violence.   Assault Weapons Ban Would Reduce Problem The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was in effect between 1994 and 2004. It outlawed the manufacture for civilian use of some semi-automatic firearms and large capacity magazines. It was prompted into action after 34 children and a teacher were shot in a schoolyard in Stockton, California, with a semi-automatic AK-47 rifle in 1989 and by the shooting of 14 people in 1993 in a San Francisco office building, in which the shooter used semi-automatic handguns equipped with a hellfire trigger, which makes a semi-automatic firearm fire at a rate approaching that of a fully automatic firearm. A study by The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence published in 2004 found that in the five years prior to the bans implementation, assault weapons it outlawed accounted for nearly 5 percent of gun crime. During its period of enactment, that figure fell to 1.6 percent.  Data compiled by the Harvard School of Public Health and presented as a timeline of mass shootings shows that mass shootings have occurred with much greater frequency since the ban was lifted in 2004, and the victim count has risen steeply. Semi-automatic and high-capacity firearms are the weapons of choice for those who perpetrate mass shootings. As  Mother Jones  reports, more than half of all mass shooters possessed high-capacity magazines, assault weapons, or both. According to this data, a third of the weapons used in mass shootings since 1982 would have been outlawed by the failed Assault Weapons Ban of 2013.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lockes Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lockes Philosophy - Essay Example It is not clear Whether John as a young man really appreciated the concept of the severe regime his father followed, but it is a well known fact the Locke appreciated the mentioned concept as an adult: 'For, liberty and indulgence can do no good to children: their want of judgement makes them stand in need of restraint and discipline' [1, 62]. 'He that is not used to submit his will to the reason of others, when he is young, will scarcely hearken or submit to his own reason, when he is of an age to make use of it' (Aldrich 1994, p. 62). There is not much information about Locke's early education nevertheless it is known that reading was his passion which he carried through his entire life. At Westminster Scholl in London he studied under the aegis of Dr Richard Busby, the man famous for his knowledge and his pitiless use of the birch-rod on the refractory students. The ultimately arduous academic regime at Westminster school and later at Oxford, the severe birching due to the license that predominated over the students contributed to John Locke's essential repugnance to schools and correspondingly very strong predilection for domestic and private education. It was even more confusing to Locke who had been brought up in a rigours Puritan and Parliamentarian surroundings, to discover that Richard Busby was a recognized Royalist, who did not

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using participant Essay

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using participant observation - Essay Example Moreover, the concept of participant observation also requires maintaining a reasonable distance between the participants and the researchers so that the process of observation is not affected (Atkinson & Hammersley, 1994). Participant observation is a data gathering technique used to understand and examine the thoughts, feelings and views of the participants under their normal routine life (Adler & Adler, 1994; Wiersma, 1995). They are observed in their normal or regular milieu. The method involves the observation of participants’ behavior and requires the participant observer to look closely, listen carefully and ask sensibly (Lofland, 1971). The aim of this paper is to define participant observation in detail by describing the advantages and drawbacks of this method as a researching method. Moreover the paper suggests some possible steps to overcome the weaknesses of this method. Participant observation is widely known as a technique to collect qualitative data. The idea of participant observation is similar to other qualitative techniques which are based on the assumption that there are multiple perceptions about a particular issue in the associated population. Participant observation is always carried out in a community setting. The distinct feature of participant observation is that it does not distract the participants from their normal behavior. Other research techniques include surveys, interviews, questionnaires etc. All these techniques do not ensure the normal and actual attitude of people. People may answer the way the observer wants them or there may be a diplomatic response to the questions in the surveys and interviews. An example can be taken as a slight or considerable change in a person’s natural behavior due to the presence of television camera capturing him. However, the use of Participant observation ensures the correctness of the c ollected data if the observer knows how to tact situations and keep the observations away from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

French writing Essay Example for Free

French writing Essay Aujourdhui je vais parler de Chris Dean qui est un basketteur ami ricain qui est ni le dix-huit juin 1981 dans lOhio. Di s son plus jeune i ge, il a montri son talent pour le basket-ball et na pas arri ti de sameliorer afin quil devienne le meilleur. Chris a assisti Schol haute St Mary i Akron, oi en tant que freshman premii re anni e, il becams un starter pour leur i quipe premii re, il affiche en moyenne vingt-et-un points par match et a meni une victoire record. Dean a conduit ila St Mary vicroties consi cutives et a   surnommi Mr Basketball et becams le premier joueur de St Marie i i tre si lectionni pour jouer pour les Etats-Unis i quipe premii re. Doyens stats contunued pour ami liorer jusqui ce quil soit attribui gatorate nationales joueur de lanni e et quil i tait i ce moment son nouveau surnom King Dean est devenu un aliment de base des mi nages dans lOhio. Dean a continui ami liorer sa troisii me saison il affiche en moyenne 39 points par match et asurnommi Monsieur basket pour une troisii me anni e consi cutive et a i ti si lectionni pour li quipe ami ricaine dabord un temps de unpresidented tiers. Dean a aussi joui au football ami ricain, tout au St Mary et a i ti li cole receveur i claireurs beaucoup ont dit quil aurait pu jouer la NFL sil avait continui. Dean a fait ses di buts dabord dans 2003 quand il a i? si lectionni par le Caveliers Cleavland dans le projet de joueur. Plus tard dans la saison, Dean mener la caveliers i une victoire de point de 41 et becams le plus jeune joueur i marquer quarante points dans un match. Il a i ti nommi recrue MBA de lanni e en vue de ce fait. Dean a continui i jouer pour la Caveliers pour sept saisons jusqui ce quil soit transfi ri i la chaleur de Miami en 2010 pour un record de 19. 000. 000 dollars, ce qui est la plus grosse somme jamais consacri i un joueur. Plus tard cette anni e, il a i ti surnommi joueur le plus utile MBA. Plus tard dans la saison, Dean a accompli sa plus grande riussite et a termini premier dans la ligue de MBA pour la premii re fois, en moyenne 33 points par match, i galant Michael Jordens enregistrer et i venir en avance sur le li gendaire Wade Dwayne qui a termini deuxii me avec 29 points par match. Dean est actuellement incontesti dans le haut de la table MBA ligue avec une i tonnante des points par match et 39 personnes encore lappeler roi doyen En 2011 Dean est marii? Sophie Millard et ils ont eu deux enfants. Je pense que dans la saison ivenir Dean tentera dami liorer ses statistiques encore plus et peut-i tre une moyenne de quarante points par match, battant le record de Michael Jordan du 39. Jai i crit au sujet de Chris Dean parce quil a i ti mon basketteur pri fi ri depuis quil a commenci sa carrii re et il ma inspiri pour prendre le jeu, et, ce faisant, jai accompli de nombreuses ri alisations de la mienne, par exemple jouer pour Kent club de basket, je lespi re de continuer i soutenir le doyen jusqui sa retraite du basket-ball.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Baptism :: essays research papers

Baptism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many positive and negative arguments about infant baptism in the Catholic Church. Baptism is a Christian. Baptism is the second biggest sacrament known to Christian religions. Baptism is a Christian sacrament marked by a ritual, which admits the recipient into the Christian community. In the Roman Catholic tradition baptism is celebrated by immersing a persons head with water.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Infant baptism has a lot of good negative arguments to help make this issue so controversial. One argument is that Catholics baptize at an early age, because of pressure of the Jewish religion. Male Infants of the Jewish faith are circumcised in order to get their right of passage into the church. Feeling the pressure the Catholic church felt that they should use infant baptism as a way of passage for the Christian faith.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another more prevalent argument is the idea of infant baptism not having any biblical foundation, which is presented by Karl Barth. Barth brings up the facts that Infant baptism was started in the apostolic period, not the period of the New Testament itself. Barth continues his argument with the fact that infant baptism has brought about the fact that people are Christians as a result of birth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cyprian of Carthage presents positive arguments on the issue of infant baptism. Cyprian explains that infant baptism obtains remission of both sinful acts and original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A philosopher named Augustine helps to clear up the controversy over infant baptism being right or wrong. Augustine raises the issue that, the apostolic creed states that there is â€Å"one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.† Since the creed presents this then the church followed that infant baptism remitted original sin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being raised Catholic it is hard to understand some of the negative comments. For instance I really don’t believe I’m a catholic because of birth. I was taken to church as a child, but as I started to understand the beliefs I could have easily rejected the beliefs of a Christian faith.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Social Problems Essay

The family is a social institution that has been underestimated and placed in a box for generations. In America, television and media has portrayed the â€Å"typical† family to be a Caucasian bread winning father, homemaker wife, and there 2 kids all living under one roof. But according to Eitzner’s book â€Å"Social Problems†, the actualization of how a family looks under one roof is based on economic conditions, and the typical family portrait never applied to immigrants and racial minorities because these people were denied equal opportunities to earn a family wage, and denied support of such grants as the GI Bill.Extended families as well as extended households grew in the light of immigration and socioeconomic reform. Now there is no longer a single culturally dominant family pattern. The idea of family has to be reconstituted frequently to relate to ever changing personal and occupational circumstances. Some of the social problems that the family institutio n is dealing with are gay marriages, multi-generational households, and teenage pregnancy. In this essay, I will briefly discuss each problem, but also I will develop a program for change.The collective variety of the family in the U. S. has led researchers to study if and how different family systems are linked with different groups of people who then may experience different results. Research has found that not all racial groups participate in each family type equally, thus not all family forms are equally available to all people Intellectuals have also found that each type of family (e. g. , married with kids, married with no kids, single-parent with young children, etc. ) is associated with different economic, child, and health outcomes.This may be a stereotype but researchers say that children who grow up with only one of their parents â€Å"are more likely to drop out of high school, to become teenage and single mothers, and to have trouble finding and keeping a steady job in young adulthood, even after adjusting for differences in parents' socioeconomic background (McLanahan & Sandefur, 1994). I will now discuss each of my topics further. Gay marriage is a hot topic right now in America because there are a lot of states deciding whether to legalize homosexual marriages.The debate over legalizing gay marriages is to do with religion; it's against everything that it says about marriage in the Bible. But it also goes against everything that we are familiar with when it comes to marriage (husband and bride). It is a hot debate as many already know, but, there are far worse things happening in the world today such as Catholic Priest molesting innocent children. The solution, in my opinion, is for gay people to be accorded all the civil rights and social benefits heterosexual people enjoy, without regard for popular sentiment or other people's religious beliefs.The decline of the traditional family nucleus should only prove that option was only for a few. I have to admit that I come from that type of nucleus. My dad worked and my mom stayed home with me and my sister. Times were very different in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The economy to day is teaching families how to adjust to new trends and new ways of living. We should appreciate the new forms of family and community that are occurring. Since the onset of the financial crisis there has been an increase in the number of multi-generational families.It’s the new normal. Younger adults live with their parents into their 30’s now and approximately 50 million Americans are in multigenerational households, that’s a 10% increase from 2007. Economic circumstances, as well as other cultural factors, have no doubt influenced families to start incorporating widowed grandparents, unemployed in-laws and adult children back into a common home. Life on life’s terms has incorporated the return of extended family formations. Another reason for extended families is the current epidemic of teenage pregnancies.And while the teenage mother is affected by the circumstance, this issue affects the entire family. Issues of trust, financial stress, and decision making are all factors involved. Some research suggests that women who have children at an early age are no worse off than similar women who wait to have children. According to this research, many of the disadvantages set up for young mothers are related to their own lack of everything during upbringing. This research suggests that it would be unwise to relate all of the problems faced by teen mothers to their youth.But the truth is that other research proves that teen mothers are less likely to finish high school, less likely to ever marry, and more likely to have additional children outside marriage. Thus, an early birth is not just a marker of preexisting problems but it may prove to be a barrier to successive upward mobility. I have seen success stories with teenage girls who choose to k eep their children. But even if married, these women face much higher rates of poverty and dependence on government assistance than those decide to wait.And early marriages are much more likely to end in divorce. So marriage, while it may be helpful in establishing the family nucleus that is so longed for in Western civilization, is no verified solution. Now I would like to discuss my idea on a program for change in the family. Social inequality will continue to exist without bold action. We need to empower families to take charge of their lives and shift perception of people to understand that families that come from an unconventional family nucleus are still valued citizens.Government, business, community, education are all sectors that can benefit from an improvement in circumstance of the institution of family. What is needed is a re-invigoration of the â€Å"family movement† to works towards building stronger, more inclusive communities. Remember that united we stand, an d divided we fall. One major setback for America is the division in every aspect, be it race, social class, gender. I don’t want to say I am a communist, but I do understand how a communist society may be the best to incorporate equality for all.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Find 5 different ways in which Steinbeck suspends the tension of the moment Essay

1. Stalling the narrative – punctuation 2. Pauses and silence – punctuation 3. Description of sights and sounds 4. Symbolism- light/darkness 5. Verbs and adverbs Ella Hart Practice English Exam Question Steinbeck uses varying methods in order to create tension and suspense within this extract. His use of punctuation has enabled him to use pauses and silences to create tension, â€Å"awright – take ‘im.† The reader can tell that Candy is very reluctant to let Carlson take his dog to be shot but the pause also shows his resignation; he knows he cannot win the argument. Personally, this makes me empathise with Candy as he is defenceless and his kind heart has been taken advantage of, thus creating and suspending tension as we sadly wait for the dog to be killed. Silences within the novel have a similar effect â€Å"The silence fell on the room again†¦and the silence lasted† Steinbeck is using silences to show how awkward the other characters feel around Candy; in such a lonely society no-one knows how to comfort him as they do not know the feeling of a lost companion. The long gaps between speech extend this uncomfortable atmosphere and build up the suspense of the extract as a whole. The stalling of the narrative also suspends the tension; we are anxious to hear of what happens to Candy and his dog but are being distracted by other characters trying to ease the situation. â€Å"Anybody like to play a little euchre?† George is trying to improve the mood of the room and provide both himself and others with a distraction so that they don’t have to think too much about the pain that Candy is going through. As a reader we just want to know about what will happen but these diversions keep slowing down the pace of the narrative. ‘There came a little gnawing sound†¦all the men looked down towards it gratefully.’ The occupants of the room are seizing every opportunity to not have to focus on the current situation; there is a large amount of tension as both the characters and the reader await the gunshot but Steinbeck is providing many diversions that both increase the tension and extend the storyline. Symbolism is very apparent in this extract; Steinbeck uses it to present the unfortunate circumstances that Candy is in and to foreshadow the imminent outcome, therefore creating tension and suspense. â€Å"Gotta bad gut ache,† even though we know that Candy’s pain is due to what he has eaten, it is representative of a gut feeling that something bad is about to happen. The entrance of Whit is also symbolic â€Å"Candy looked for help†¦it was quite dark outside now. A young labouring man came in.† The darkness signifies that there is no hope for Candy now, he is looking for help but there is no-one willing the help him. It represents the end of the dog’s life and the end of Candy’s companionship. We instantly know that the dog will die as death and hopelessness have been denoted, we are just waiting for it to happen, creating suspense. However, the entrance of Whit provides Candy with a false hope; Whit could distract from the topic of the dog and make everyone forget. During this entire part it is very tense for both Candy and the reader, Candy is hoping in desperation that Carlson will be sidetracked and let the dog live on for another day and the reader awaits in suspension to find out what happens. The symbolism of darkness is used again â€Å"He led the dog out into the darkness.† Carlson has finally got his way and Candy’s efforts proved to be in vain, the dog is being led out to its death, and there is no hope for it now. Steinbeck’s use of both verbs and adverbs help to suspend the tension within this extract ‘He pointed with his toe.’ Carlson is being very blunt about his plans to shoot the dog, showing very little consideration to the thoughts and feelings of Candy. By pointing to the dog with his foot he is showing an apparent lack of empathy for the animal, he is very selfish and only wants rid of the dog because of his odour. I personally am angered by Carlson’s actions and want Candy to defend himself and the dog, thus creating tension and suspense as we wait to see if Candy will react. After he has reluctantly agreed to let Carlson kill the dog we are worried for Candy as we know how much it meant to him. ‘Candy lay rigidly on his bed’ he is unable to move due to shock and pain and although he doesn’t want to show this through obvious emotion due to his pride, we know how isolated he feels. ‘He rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay silent’ again, Candy does not want to show his feelings, by rolling over he is trying to block out the rest of the people along with the very tense atmosphere of the room. By rolling slowly he is showing how vulnerable he is right now, he is a defenceless old man who has just has his only companion taken cruelly away from him. His silence illustrates his new found grief and complete loneliness. These slow, quiet movements that block out the rest of the room make the characters feel very awkward, the tension is suspended and the mood of the room very uncomfortable, no-one wants to be the first to break the silence and distract Candy from his thoughts. Descriptions of sounds are also used by Steinbeck to intensify the suspense felt in the room in this extract. ‘There came a little gnawing sound’ the room is so quiet and tense that mice can be heard but also the men leap upon this chance for a distraction from Candy’s pain. ‘Carlson’s footsteps died away.’ As long as the characters (especially Candy) could still hear Carlson walking they knew that the dog was not yet dead. As a reader, the end of his footsteps left me knowing that the dog only had a matter of seconds left to live, forming suspense as we wait for his death. ‘A shot sounded in the distance’ This is a turning point in the extract, throughout the pages we have been waiting tensely for the death of the dog and at this point we are no longer hoping that Carlson will change his mind because we know it is too late. All the tension that has been suspended is released although the unease felt in the room deepens as the characters sympathise with Candy but do not know how to appease the situation. Throughout this extract Steinbeck has suspended the tension by use of pauses & silences, the stalling of the narrative, symbolism, verbs & adverbs and descriptions of sounds. He has provided Candy with small amounts of false hope but these proved futile. I personally think that the tension and suspense was very apparent and as I read I empathised with Candy and was anxious about his dog.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Solid protein formulation Essay Example

Solid protein formulation Essay Example Solid protein formulation Essay Solid protein formulation Essay Introduction for solid protein preparation ( Essay title 5 ) Background: Solid protein preparation has ever been a challenge due to the deficiency of physical, chemical stablenesss and besides complications involved during protein fabrication and purification. To accomplish an acceptable shelf life, they are normally formulated into a solid signifier. Methods available include freeze drying, spray drying and supercritical fluid drying. However, freezing prohibitionist ( freeze-drying ) is the most normally used method. It can be dated back to 1890s where it was foremost tested and used in Leipzig, Germany ( Franks F A ; Auffret T, 2007 ) . However, it was merely until the fiftiess that freeze-drying had been used in the nutrient and drug industry. Lyophilisation offers several advantages, being an sterile procedure that had been approved by the governments which enhances the shelf life of the merchandise significantly and allows rapid reconstitution of the concluding merchandise prior to utilize ( McNally E.J, 2007 ) . Freeze-drying procedure: Chiefly, freeze-drying involves the remotion of H2O molecules from proteins. Stability was achieved by restricting the motion of protein molecules and avoiding debasement tracts that were facilitated by H2O molecules. Procedure can be separated to three chief stairss, viz. , stop deading, primary drying and secondary drying. During freeze, temperature of protein solution was lowered until below the eutectic temperature ( Teut ) . This temperature by definition was the temperature in a mixture where solution and substance pure solids co-exist at fixed force per unit area. With increasing ice formation, concentration of unfrozen protein solution additions consequently until staying solution becomes excessively syrupy that it finally turns into an formless solid solution resembling a glass. This temperature where preparation vitrifies is known as glass passage temperature ( Tg ) . This glassy web has mechanical stableness which allows it to self-support and does non disintegrate upon the remotion of ice, go forthing behind a porous web that is easy rehydrated. Approximately 98 % of the H2O content was isolated in the signifier of ice ( Franks F A ; Auffret T, 2007 ) . Subsequently, primary drying was preformed to take the ice via sublimation. This was achieved by providing heat to the matrix and procedure relies on the rate of sublimation of ice to chill down the formed merchandise. Conversely with repeated drying, a bed of dried bar signifiers above the ice forepart, offering opposition against sublimation. Rate of sublimation lessenings as a effect. Therefore at this point, if process uses a temperature higher than Tg so changes need to be done to avoid the prostration of matrix construction ( Franks F A ; Auffret T, 2007 ; McNally E.J, 2007 ) . It is necessary to appreciate the opposition by dried bed and stairss must be taken to keep merchandise temperature below Tg ( McNally E.J, 2007 ) . Upon completion, secondary drying was performed to extinguish staying unfrozen H2O within the protein. Removal is done via desorption at a low force per unit area value. As H2O content diminutions, there s an addition in merchandise Tg intending Tg of the merchandise was somewhat higher than Tg initial towards the terminal of the drying procedure. This allows an addition in merchandise temperature for farther desorption. By equilibrating the addition in temperature with rate of drying, desorption of staying H2O without well transcending Tg of merchandise can be achieved. Equally long as the rate of temperature slope does non transcend 5 Â °C/hour, jobs seldom emerge ( McNally E.J, 2007 ) . However, freeze-drying is recognised as an expensive process due to its tremendous energy ingestion and long processing clip ( up to few yearss ) . Hence, economical considerations are of import when sing procedure optimization. This normally means supplying a complete processing rhythm utilizing least sum of clip stoping with an terminal merchandise of acceptable quality. Optimization of freeze-drying procedure Problems were normally encountered during primary drying. Key variables to be monitored were sublimation interface temperature ( turning away of macroscopic construction prostration ) and sublimating interface place ( rating of primary drying advancement ) . These parametric quantities can be determined by both attacks mentioned below. Dynamic Parameters Estimation is an advanced manometric temperature measuring capable of set uping optimum shelf temperature and license quickest drying clip without transcending Tg of merchandise. But it merely provides stray informations ( no uninterrupted measurings ) as an mean appraisal of the province of the system ( Barresia A.A, 2009a ; 2009b ) . Furthermore surveies demonstrates that they must be interpreted with attention when important heterogeneousnesss were present within the batch ( Barresia A.A, 2009a ) . These can be overcome by matching the system with package detectors like Extended Kalman Filter ( EKF ) based perceivers EFK perceivers on the other manus, were able to set up temperature of the merchandise at any axial place and sublimating interface patterned advance, by working a single-point mensural temperature at the underside of the merchandise. It allows uninterrupted monitoring of phials placed at different places which give a direct in-line rating of batch differences. The documentation between appraisal and existent values were by and large good, except during the first portion of drying rhythm. It has been observed that the public presentation of the perceiver can be improved if it is coupled with the DPE tool ( Barresia A.A, 2009b ) . Hence, the two complementary supervising systems can be combined to obtain a robust loanblend control system. Problem in perscpective: Stresses experienced by the protein during freeze-drying However, freeze-drying is non without restrictions. In order for the merchandise to function its intent, proteins would necessitate to remain in its native province to recover its map upon rehydration. However, the procedure itself is capable of bring forthing emphasiss that would take to stop merchandise failure. These emphasiss could be subdivided into three types which are low temperature emphasis, stop deading emphasis and drying emphasis. Low temperature emphasis causes increased hydration of non polar groups and weakening of protein solvophobic interaction. Following hydration, polypeptide ironss which were compactly arranged unfolds to expose internal non-polar groups to H2O. This procedure was enthalphy driven and may explicate some denaturation theoretical account of proteins although the dynamicss may be excessively slow to unfold proteins during freeze-drying ( Privalov PL,1990 ) Cold denatured proteins illustrations were b-lactoglobulin, myoglobin and phosphoglycerate kinase ( Tang XL A ; Pikal M.J, 2005 ) . Then, stop deading procedure itself produces several stableness jobs. First, with increasing solution concentration ionic strength within atoms additions ( Bhatnagarhttp: //informahealthcare.com/entityImage/ ? code=200B? B.S, 2007 ) . This was observed in aluminum hydrated oxide adjuvant incorporating vaccinums where atoms were so tightly packed that ionic strength dominates and collection commences ( Zapata M.I, 1984 ) . Second, surface assimilation of proteins to the ice-water interface formed during stop deading leads to the flowering of native construction. This subsequently exposes amino groups that farther facilitate inactivation via protein collection ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Rapid chilling rhythms generate larger ice H2O interface due to formation of little crystals ( Maltesen M.J, van de Weert M, 2008 ) . It was observed in fibroblast growing factors and maleate dehydragenase. Freezing besides causes pH changes by selectively clear one of the buffering species within protein solut ion. Perturbation occurs owing to increased electrostatic repulsive force between two similar charged groups at high or low pH values ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Pikal et al studies of notably more inactivation and secondary structural disturbance of b-galactosidase in Na phosphate ( NaP ) buffer than in K phosphate buffer. Effect was attributed by pH displacements of about 3 units during stop deading procedure with NaP buffer ( Maltesen M.J, van de Weert M, 2008 ; Pikal-Cleland K.A, 2000 ) . Last, stage separation besides occurs due to altered solubility of excipients at low temperatures. The procedure could give rise to different Tg values as seen with whey proteins and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose co-dried mixtures which exhibits two Tg values in to the full phase-separated system, one Tg value for non-phase-separated co-dried mixture and three Tg values for in between systems ( Jara F.L, Pilosof A.M.R, 2009 ; Randolph TW, 1997 ) . Drying emphasis was caused by partial riddance of the hydration shell which covers the protein surface ensuing in H bonds which played an of import function in the thermodynamic stableness of proteins being removed ( Chang LQ A ; Pikal M.J, 2009 ; Wang W, 2000 ) . During the remotion of H2O molecules, proteins tend to reassign protons to ionized carboxyl groups and abolish as many charge as possible. Equilibrium energies within native verifications were disrupted and favours denaturation. Reduced charge denseness besides promotes protein-protein hydrophobic interaction doing non covalent collection ( Chang LQ, Pikal M.J, 2009 ) . In add-on, H2O molecules may besides function as an indispensable portion of protein active site and remotion of these molecules leads to protein inactivation as seen in muramidases. ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Since, stop deading and desiccation induces different signifiers of emphasis to do protein denaturation. Stabilizers were necessary to protect proteins from stop deading ( cryoprotection ) and desiccation ( lyoprotection ) stresses. However, effectual cryoprotectants may non move as good lyoprotectants hence add-on of two or more stabilizers are necessary in some instances. Dicuss of assorted attacks that might be taken to work out the job Addition of stabilizers: Discriminatory exclusion was proposed as the mechanism for cryoprotection. In the presence of a stabilising agent, protein favors interaction with H2O and excludes stabilizers from its sphere. The exclusion leads to a rise in protein chemical potency and consequence was relative to protein molecule surface country. Subsequently, the system minimises thermodynamically unfavorable consequence of discriminatory exclusion by favoring protein verification with the least surface country. Therefore, native province of proteins was conserved. This consequence besides applies during non-denaturating conditions as proteins constructions do non be in a distinct signifier and fluctuation from most compact verification tends to go on ( Timasheff, S.N. , 1993 ) . Two hypotheses have been proposed as the mechanism for lyoprotection. Water permutation hypothesis was based on thermodynamic stabilisation mechanism. Water-hydrogen bonds are critical in keeping thermodynamic stableness of proteins and stabilizers were able to organize similar H bonds on protein surfaces. Therefore, this acts as a replacement to the H interaction that was lost upon H2O remotion during drying. Therefore, this causes an equilibrium displacement of protein verifications towards the more stable unfolded province. Glass dynamic hypothesis was based strictly on kinetic stabilisation mechanism and scattering of proteins in a stiff, inert formless glassy solid was defined as stableness. Stabilizers acts as inert, good glass formers which provides the stiff matrix and couples the gesture of proteins with matrix construction. Subsequently, thermodynamically goaded debasement was of no concern because the system itself prevents the equilibrium displacement of protein construct ions ( Chang LQ, Pikal M.J, 2009 ) . Further surveies demonstrate that degree of stabilization offered was concentration dependant. Excipients with a concentration sufficient to organize a monolayer around the protein were the least necessary to achieve maximal stabilisation. Therefore, it depends on the mass ratio of excipient to targeted proteins. Further addition in mass ratio provides small benefit in offering excess protection ( YH Liao, 2002 ) . Sugars/polyols are effectual cryoprotectants and lyoprotectants. A concentration of 0.3M was suggested to be the minimal concentration needed to supply stabilisation consequence. This corroborates with consequences obtained from freezed coney musculus lactate dehydrogenase and phopofructokinase. However with increasing concentration, it can really clear and do protein denaturation. Later it was found that disaccharides appeared to be the most effectual among this group of stabilizers ( Carpenter J.F, 1997 ) . However, non all proteins can be stabilised by sugar/polyols. For illustration saccharose had limited consequence in forestalling collection of recombinant hemoglobin in phosphate buffered saline ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Polymers can besides move as both cryoprotectants and lyoprotectants. Mode of action may be due to one or more of the undermentioned belongingss: elevates merchandise Tg value, inhibits crystallization of little bracing agents and increases solution viscousness taking to restricted protein motion ( Wang W, 2000 ) . However, there are restrictions. Polymers might arouse phase separation during stop deading every bit observed on recombinant hemoglobin in phosphate buffer solution incorporating PEG 3350, dextran T500 and NaCl ( Heller, M.C, 1999 ) . In add-on, it may do protein destabilization owing to steric hinderance which limits efficient H adhering with protein as observed in dextran ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Wetting agents on the other manus Acts of the Apostless as a cryoprotectant. It lowers the surface tenseness of protein solution ensuing in decreased inclination of protein surface assimilation. Thus collection leaning declines. It was besides proposed that bracing consequence may besides be attributed by helping protein refolding and binding which hinders proteins of wetting agents offering cryoprotection includes Tween 80 and polyoxyethylene lauryl quintessence ( Wang W, 2000 ) . However, wetting agents were less effectual in protecting against thermally induced denaturation and at higher concentrations of wetting agents may destabilise a supermolecule ( Parkins D.A A ; Lashmar U.T, 2000 ) . As a drumhead, different group of stabilizers offers protection via different mechanism. However, none of them were without restrictions. Considerations need to be done in taking the most appropriate 1s for the preparation. Addition of bulking agents: Bulking agents were used to accomplish physical stableness and to supply a organic structure to keep the active ingredients as active ingredient of a preparation was ever of a really little measure. These were normally used when the active concentration in the fill solution was less than 2 % weight ( McNally E.J, 2007 ) Some illustrations of bulking agents were Osmitrols and dextran. Normally crystalline agents ( Osmitrol ) were preferred because stronger dried bars with better disintegration features were formed when compared to formless agents. As mentioned antecedently, merchandise temperature must be kept below merchandises eutectic temperature and any incorrect appraisal consequences in either structural prostration or prolonged processing clip. High merchandise Tg value was hence favorable as it allows the procedure continuance to be shortened. There are two ways to increase Tg, either by adding a crystalline bulking agent ( Osmitrol ) with high eutectic temperature or an formless bulking agent with high T?g ( dextran ) ( Passot S, 2005 ) . Mannitol crystallisation along with preparations would let the primary drying freeze-drying rhythm to be carried out on a high temperature without major hazard of structural prostration. However on freeze, it may merely clear partly and organize crystallohydrate which restricts the remotion of H2O molecules on secondary drying. Besides, it exists in three different polymorph constructions ( ? , ? , and ? ) and was associated with an increased hazard of vial breakage due to volume enlargement on freeze ( Arakawa T, 2001 ; Wang W, 2000 ) . Dextran on the other manus, in add-on to the advantage mentioned above besides provides lyoprotection and offers bracing consequence upon long term storage. Effect was observed in cut downing loss of coney musculus lactate dehydrogenase activity during freeze-drying and decreased protein collection of interleukin-2 during storage at 5 ?C. However, its inclusion may besides do opposing effects. For case, inclusion of dextran 40 into preparation incorporating sucrose additions collection inclination of lyophilized interleukin-6 when stored at 40 ?C for nine months ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Finally, the pick of bulking agents was governed by principle for usage. For case, it is to be used as a matrix organizing agent or as a stabilizer. A suited pick consequences in optimum merchandise quality with enhanced stableness. Instability jobs during storage/shelf life. Although freeze-drying with the presence of excipients stabilises the protein preparation, long term storage may still give rise to chemical debasement. Formation or exchange of disulfide bonds is the major debasement pathway taking to protein collection as shown in insulin, b-galactoside and bovid serum albumen ( Chang LQ A ; Pikal M.J, 2009 ; Wang W, 2000 ) .Cysteinyl residues in protein are one of the illustrations which were capable of undergoing such reactions. It can be in the signifier of free sulphydryl group or disulphide bonds ; where on long term storage free sulphydryl group undergoes reaction to organize disulphide bonds ( Passot S, 2005 ) Usually oxidization of these reactive side ironss was introduced to change over them into less active disulfide signifiers. Intermolecular disulphide exchange on the other manus was catalyzed by free thiol group formed by b-elimination of an bing disulfide bonds. They contribute to disulphide interchange taking to intermolecular cross links ( Costantino HR, 1994 ) . Deamination besides occurs where hydrolysis of the protein side concatenation outputs a carboxylic group. Both asparagine and glutamine residue groups are susceptible towards this reaction. The rate finding measure involves intramolecular nucleophilic onslaught to organize a reactive cyclic anhydride intermediate or a cyclic imide intermediate ( Chang LQ A ; Pikal M.J, 2009 ) . Explicating at a pH below impersonal pH decreases the advancement of this reaction ( Parkins D.A A ; Lashmar U.T, 2000 ) . Example of protein deaminization includes insulin deaminization via a cyclic anhydride intermediate during storage ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Maillard reaction, besides known as browning reaction consequences from interactions between reduced sugars with basic protein residues such as lysine, arginine, asparagines and glutamine to organize saccharide adducts ( Costantino HR, 1994 ) . Reduced sugars have different responsivenesss depending on the species involved. However although saccharose is a non-reducing sugar, it can easy be reduced to organize two cut downing sugars particularly at low pH values. Hence sucrose preparations are besides susceptible towards browning. This reaction had been observed in human relaxin and interleukin-6 during storage ( Wang W, 2000 ) . PH accommodations, antioxidant use and low temperature were normally adopted to command rate of Maillard reaction ( Chang LQ A ; Pikal M.J, 2009 ) . Oxidation is besides one of the debasement pathways. It involves methionyl residue which contains a sulfur mediety in a thio-ether linkage capable of organizing sulphoxide upon oxidization. Other side ironss like cystine, histidine, and tryptophan were besides possible campaigners. However, reaction relies on local environmental status. In order to change over the O molecule into reactant species like superoxide groups or hydroxyl groups, external assistance is necessary. This may come in the signifier of visible radiation, presence of cut downing agent or transitional metal ions ( Li SH, 1996a ) . Oxidation can be minimised by add-on of sugars ( ethylene ethanediol, glycerin, glucose ) which forms H bonds to the surface of the protein and preserves its native verification ( Li SH, 1996b ) . The reaction had been observed in lyophilized interleukin-2 ( Wang W, 2000 ) . Last, storage temperature besides contributes towards protein stableness. With increasing temperature, there was an increased loss of protein activity. In add-on, it was found to advance protein collection, chemical debasement and facilitate recrystallisation of lyophilized protein. Protein collection was ascribed by an addition mobility of molecules at high temperature. Temperature induced debasement had been observed in interleukin-1 receptor adversary and tumour mortification factor. However, fickle temperatures had more damaging effects than a individual high storage temperature. Hence, storage temperature should be of a changeless low value to understate temperature induced merchandise debasement ( Wang W, 2000 ) . In decision, lyophilised merchandises are really sensitive to debasement. Hence, to bring forth a merchandise of acceptable quality with maintained efficaciousness prior to utilize, we need to ever take notes in ways to understate protein debasement. The aim for this experiment was to look into factors that would impact the stableness of lyophilized protein. Mentions: 1. Arakawa T, Prestrelski S.J, Kenney W.C, Carpenter J.F. Factors impacting short-run and long-run stablenesss of proteins. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Mar. 2001 ; 46 ( 1-3 ) : 307-326 2. Barresia A.A, Velardia S.A, Pisanoa R, Rasettoa V, Vallanb A, Galanc M. In-line monitoring of the primary drying stage of the freeze-drying procedure in vial by agencies of a Kalman filter based observer. Chemical technology research and design. 2009a ; 87:1409-1419 3. Barresia A.A, Velardia S.A, Pisanoa R, Rasettoa V, Vallanb A, Galanc M. In-line control of the freeze-drying procedure. A soft PAT attack utilizing package detectors. International diary of infrigidation. 2009b ; 32:1003-1014. 4. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SAT Score Ranges Understand Your Score vs Class Grades

SAT Score Ranges Understand Your Score vs Class Grades SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What’s the best possible SAT score and worst possible SAT score you could get? How do you understand SAT scores if you’re used to letter grades like A- or B+, or test scores like 93%? In this guide, we convert SAT scores into much more understandable class grades to help you interpret your SAT score. What's the SAT Score SAT Range? The pure SAT score range is 200 minimum, 800 maximum per section. The current SAT has two sections, so its total range is 400 to 1600. It's as simple as that! The score range might not tell you much on its own, since it's rare that someone will get a perfect 1600 or as low as a 400. However, if you’re more used to thinking about class grades like A+, B-, etc. then we can map SAT scores into grades to give you a rough idea of the letter grade your SAT score corresponds to. Likewise, we can do the same if you’re more used to numerical class grades like 95% for a good test or 55% for a failing test. How Can You Understand Your SAT Score If You're Used to Class Grades? We’ll first present the results of our conversion of SAT scores to class grades, and then we’ll interpret the results. For those interested in technical details, we’ll then tell you how we got there. In the final section, we’ll then discuss some other interpretations of what a good SAT score is. Conversion of New SAT Scores to Class Grade Equivalents New SAT Score Numerical Class Grade Letter Class Grade 1560-1600 100.0 A+ 1520-1550 99.9 A+ 1490-1510 99.8 A+ 1465-1480 99.7 A+ 1450-1460 99.6 A+ 1430-1440 99.5 A+ 1420 99.4 A+ 1410 99.3 A+ 1390-1400 99.2 A+ 1387 99.1 A+ 1370-1380 99.0 A+ 1367 98.9 A+ 1350-1360 98.8 A+ 1347 98.7 A+ 1340 98.6 A+ 1333 98.5 A+ 1327 98.4 A+ 1320 98.3 A+ 1310 98.2 A+ 1300 98.1 A+ 1293 97.9 A+ 1287 97.8 A+ 1280 97.7 A+ 1273 97.6 A+ 1267 97.5 A+ 1260 97.4 A+ 1253 97.2 A+ 1247 97.1 A+ 1240 97.0 A 1233 96.8 A 1227 96.7 A 1220 96.5 A 1213 96.4 A 1207 96.2 A 1200 96.0 A 1193 95.9 A 1187 95.7 A 1180 95.5 A 1173 95.3 A 1167 95.1 A 1160 94.9 A 1153 94.7 A 1147 94.5 A 1140 94.3 A 1133 94.1 A 1127 93.9 A 1120 93.7 A 1110 93.3 A 1100 93.0 A- 1093 92.7 A- 1087 92.5 A- 1080 92.2 A- 1073 91.9 A- 1067 91.7 A- 1060 91.4 A- 1053 91.1 A- 1047 90.8 A- 1040 90.5 A- 1033 90.2 A- 1027 89.9 B+ 1020 89.6 B+ 1013 89.3 B+ 1007 89.0 B+ 1000 88.7 B+ 993 88.4 B+ 987 88.1 B+ 980 87.8 B+ 973 87.5 B+ 967 87.2 B+ 960 86.9 B 953 86.6 B 947 86.2 B 940 85.9 B 933 85.6 B 927 85.3 B 920 84.9 B 913 84.6 B 907 84.3 B 900 83.9 B 893 83.6 B 887 83.2 B 880 82.9 B- 873 82.5 B- 867 82.1 B- 860 81.7 B- 853 81.3 B- 847 80.9 B- 840 80.4 B- 833 80.0 C+ 827 79.5 C+ 820 79.0 C+ 813 78.5 C+ 807 78.0 C+ 800 77.5 C+ 793 77.0 C 787 76.5 C 780 76.0 C 773 75.5 C 767 75.0 C 760 74.5 C 753 74.0 C 747 73.5 C 740 73.0 C- 733 72.4 C- 727 71.9 C- 720 71.3 C- 713 70.6 C- 707 69.8 D+ 700 69.0 D+ 693 68.1 D+ 687 67.3 D+ 680 66.4 D 673 65.5 D 667 64.6 D 660 63.6 D 653 62.5 D 647 61.2 D 640 59.3 F 633 57.2 F 627 55.2 F 620 53.1 F 613 51.2 F 607 49.2 F 600 47.3 F 593 45.4 F 587 43.5 F 580 41.7 F 573 39.9 F 567 38.1 F 560 36.3 F 553 34.6 F 547 32.8 F 540 31.1 F 533 29.5 F 527 27.9 F 520 26.4 F 513 24.8 F 507 23.4 F 500 21.9 F 493 20.4 F 487 18.9 F 480 17.5 F 473 16.1 F 467 14.7 F 460 13.4 F 453 12.1 F 447 10.9 F 440 9.7 F 433 8.6 F 427 7.7 F 420 6.6 F 413 5.7 F 407 5.0 F 400 3.2 F How can you read this table? Suppose you received a 1000 on the current SAT. You'd want to find this row: New SAT Score Numerical Class Grade Letter Class Grade 1000 88.7 B+ Under Numerical Class Grade, 88.7 means that this SAT score is like getting a class score of 88.7% (or round to 89%) at the end of the year. Imagine getting a 88.7 in history, English, or math. Under Letter Class Grade, the B+ means this SAT score is similar to getting the class letter grade B+. What Does the Conversion Table From SAT Score to Class Grades Really Show You? To put it simply, the conversion table takes your SAT score and tells you how well you're doing in terms of class grades. You're used to class grades because you've seen them since you began school, but this might be the first time you've looked at SAT scores. In the table above, we've taken something you might be unfamiliar with and put it in terms of something you know and understand. To be more precise, the above table matches SAT scores to class grades based on percentiles. The SAT percentile is calculated from a recent group of SAT scores. The class grades percentile is based on a comprehensive academic survey of common grades given out in college (which closely match US high school grades culturally). In other words, to go from a new SAT score of 1000 to 88.7%, we looked at the SAT percentile of 1000 (it happens to be right about 50%), and then we used a comprehensive academic survey which showed that the 50th percentile class grade across many colleges was an 88.7%, or a B+. Imagine getting a B+ in one of your classes. Would you be happy with that grade? Would you consider yourself to know the material well? You can then apply those feelings to your SAT score and use them to plan your next steps, such as if you'd like to retake the exam. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Interesting Notes from the Conversion Table First, you should note that the distribution of SATscores and grades are quite different. There is a lot of resolution at the top end of the SAT scale- a 1250 and a 1600 are 350 points apart, yet they all map to A+. Read that again; it's not a mistake: a 1600 and a 1250 are both A+. Classes oftentimes do not do a good job of distinguishing great students from the truly spectacular. In a class of 20, you might have two people get an A+, which seems like a small number, until you realize that in that same class of 20, if it represented all students in the USA, you would only have two people as well who get 1250 or above. The SAT is useful to colleges, especially very selective ones, because itdistinguishes the 90th percent from the 99th percent. Also, class grades and SAT scoresare equally good at resolving the performance of middle-of-the-pack students. When you go from an SATscore of 680 to a 1110- just a range of 430- you're going from a straight D to an A. For students who are near the median of their class or a bit below, SAT scores and class grades both have decent resolution. Finally, you may noticethat both SAT scores and class grades have non-zero starting points, which makes sense when you apply it to what you know about the kinds of grades that are given out. When was the last time you heard of someone getting a 30 out of 100 as their final grade for a class? Less than 4% of class grades are failing grades. Likewise, when was the last time you heard someone get less than a 680 on the SAT? Even though the SATgoes all the way down to 400, fewer than 2% of people get less than a 680. Just like it's a good idea to think of class grades as starting from a D and not a 0, it's better to think of SATs as starting from 680 and not 400. Can SAT Scores Really Be Mapped to Class Grades? They certainly can! However,I should warn you, such mappings are an inexact science. Some issues you should be aware of include: SATs and classes test very different things. The SAT is a mostly-multiple-choice test given over the course of a few hours on a Saturday morning (usually). Classes consist of hundreds of hours of schoolwork. The SAT is a solitary activity. Classes include working with teachers and classmates. The two measure different things. Getting a B+ in class does NOT mean you'll get a 1000 for sure on the SAT, and vice versa. Class grades are not rigorous. Is an A- a good grade? If your teacher gives half the class a straight A, then an A- is a bad grade. Conversely, if your teacher gives out only one Aa year, you might have the top score. An A in art studies means something very different thangetting an A in computer science. Thus, you can't look atthe conversion too rigidly. With thatcaveat out of the way, you're on the right track if you think of the table above as "lining up" different types of races.For example, you can't compare a 100-meter dash with the marathon, but you can say 10 seconds is an "Olympiclevel" 100-meter dash time, and 2h10min is an "Olympiclevel" marathon time. What’s Next? Wondering what SAT score you should be aiming for? Learn how to developyour target scorebased on the colleges you're interested in. Not happy with where your SAT score places you?We're here to help! We have tons of guides specifically designed to raise your SAT score. To get you started, check out these 21 tips to improving your SAT score. Want to prepare for the SAT? Taking practice tests is one of the best ways to see how you're doing and raise your score.Check out our collection of free and official practice SATs for you to use. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HRIS Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HRIS - Personal Statement Example by about 25%; the opportunity cost of looking for a job from the perspective of applicants has decreased dramatically on the internet, the information about jobs can easily and quickly obtained online; and organization can also leverage aspects of their culture through the presented information on the website of the organization. It is also a great deal that more information can be disseminated to the job applicants through the website compared to the previous traditional materials of recruitment. The potential unintended or dysfunctional consequences of e-recruiting may include a reverse selection process. This is because wrong software may exclude groups of people from multiple protected categories. For instance, the argument was that the words that the screening software used were not the same words the members of Africa American community uses to transmit information. The applicants may be qualified for the job, but they fail to use the words used by the screening software. E-recruiting can also exclude a large portion of population. For instance, in cases where more young people use internet than old people, hence, e-recruiting will include more young people than old people. Hence, a desperate impact can be created where some protected groups have less chance to get